Short Paragraphs Are Holding Writers Back

If you want to reach your full potential, focus on evoking emotion

Pamela Hazelton
Write, I Must


Woman holding a book, scratching her head in confusion.
Photo by lia_russy — licensed via Freepik premium

Whoever first said one- and two-sentence paragraphs are the way to win online failed thousands of writers. It sounds crass, but it’s true. Paragraphs should be as long as they need — no more, no less.

There’s a rule of web design that, when broken, wreaks havoc. It’s this:

Do not compromise usability for design appeal.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice flashy features to ensure visitors can navigate and interact with a site. This is why website graphic designers need to work closely with engineers and coders; the marketing department should also be welcome. Otherwise, you wind up with one of the following:

  • A beautiful site that’s confusing to use.
  • An easy to navigate yet visually ugly site.
  • A site that functions terrifically but is neither visually appealing nor straightforward to navigate.

None of these work in a competitive environment. The most successful selling sites possess all three necessary elements: solid functionality, appealing design, and ease of use.

Treat your writing like a website



Pamela Hazelton
Write, I Must

Avid writer, marketer & business consultant. // Reward yourself a little every day. 🆆🅾🆁🅺 + 🅻🅸🅵🅴 🅱🅰🅻🅰🅽🅲🅴