4 Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Dating Again

#3 — Do I have codependent tendencies?

Kennedy Wren
Write Like a Girl
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by A. L. on Unsplash

I stopped dating when I was 21 years old because of heartbreak and trauma I had not yet begun healing from. Of course, there were times I did think I was ready to jump back into the dating pool, but each time I tried, the relationships would end the exact same way every time.

There was this one guy I was interested in, and to me, he was the most gorgeous man ever I laid eyes on. He was tall, looked like Patrick Swayze, and could speak 3 languages (English, Russian, and French). It wasn’t only his looks that had me head over heels, but also his kindness and sensitivity to the room and those around him.

He knew when I was sad, angry, or even excited.

What messed up my chance with him was actually me. I overthought everything and my insecurities always showed its ugly face.

I do have to say that I miss him, but I’m also happy that nothing serious ever became of us. Because the chances it ending in sadness, yelling, and tears like the other past relationships were huge.

Now that I’m older — and maybe at least 30% wiser — I can honestly say that taking the time to not only work on myself but actually get to know me and what makes me tick helps me when it comes…



Kennedy Wren
Write Like a Girl

God has completely healed me from Mental Illness. Now I share my life experiences living in total freedom as a Prophetic Pastor.