Finding Your Emoji Soulmate

Can I just use this for all of my profile pictures?

Tina L. Smith
Write Like a Girl


Emoji me, courtesy of my iPhone. Thanks, Apple.

We have millions of words at our disposal to express ourselves, and yet, more than ever, people are using pictures to communicate.

Modern-day hieroglyphics, I call it. Scoffingly.

A return to primitive communication.

A communications cop-out.

And yet, while critical of the practice, I find myself using emojis more and more these days. And the one I use most often is the “I-have-no-idea, don’t-ask-me, I-can’t-do-anything-about-it” emoji (see above).

It suits my state of mind perfectly.

I have no idea

I used to know things. A lot of things. When my kids were young, they would start to ask me a question, and I not only knew what they were going to ask, but I also knew the answer.

My special superpower was knowing where everything was in the house.

“Mom, have you seen my green pencil?” And, like magic, I had a vision of where it was. I just knew. “Try looking under the end of the couch where the dog likes to sleep. On the floor, about halfway to the wall.” Almost without fail, they’d find the missing item.



Tina L. Smith
Write Like a Girl

Writer, humorist, animal lover, lifelong language geek (er, I proofread for fun). I write on diverse topics that catch my fancy. Everything but haiku(tm). [she]