Let Me Be Free

A ‘phoenix’ song for women of color.

Natasha Garcha
Write Like a Girl
1 min readJul 8, 2020


Let me be free; let me change reality
Let me bend away the light to let in the dark, the left behind, the silenced
Let me charge through the bullets and the words that try to bring us down
Let me shield those fighting a war they never chose to be a part of

Let me be free; let me be my own kaleidoscope
Let me release the fear inside me and the fear outside in the world
Let me know they are the same
Let me do it because it’s right; not right just for me, just right

Let me be free; let me take flight
Let me spread my wings without stealing your wind
Let me slay the wind-thieves that weigh us both down
Let me make my own wind and give you some to fly alongside me

Let me be free forever, even if I am alone
Let me be strong forever, even if I am broken
Let me be me forever, even if I am burnt
And let me take the solitude, the shards, the scars
to rise from the ashes of all the colorful women who fought before me.



Natasha Garcha
Write Like a Girl

Free Thinker. Feminist. Equestrian. Sharing insights on #GenderEquity, #InnovativeFinance, #Sustainability from a practitioner's point of view.