Self -Love Comes From Within

Coming to terms with my less than ideal body

Zara Everly
Write Like a Girl


Photo by Casper Nichols on Unsplash

Last summer I posted a picture on a social media platform in which the stretch marks on my belly were able to be detected. I rarely post pictures of my stomach but for some reason, the angle in this photo made them appear far less objectionable.

A commenter noted that he could see my stretch marks and he told me that it was okay that I had them (and no, he wasn’t asked, and no, I don’t give a hoot about his opinion but that doesn’t seem to stop some people from giving such opinions).

I have a saggy, baggy, stretched-marked mommy belly.

I don’t like it. I don’t typically want to show it off. I know that it is “ok.” I have been pregnant four times. I know why my stomach looks the way it does and I know it was for a good reason.

My abdomen has housed and nourished four beautiful human beings. They are the lights of my life and my raison d’etre! Blah blah blah. Don’t worry, I know all of the cliches and of course, my children are well worth not having a flat stomach.

So thanks, I know my stretched marked belly is ok. Guess what? I still don’t like it. I accept it. My oldest was born nearly twenty-four years ago and I have had some time to come to terms with how pregnancy has changed my body. I am…



Zara Everly
Write Like a Girl

Academic who occasionally forays into literary harlotry.