The Death of Instagram Influencer Lee MacMillan Shows That Social Media Needs to Stop

Last month, 28-year-old “van life” and Instagram influencer Lee MacMillan took her own life.

Sunny Muldoon
Write Like a Girl


Lee MacMillan

*Trigger Warning* Article contains mention of suicide and disturbing facts about social media and mental health

I didn’t follow Lee on Instagram or YouTube, nor did I know her personally, but something in me broke a bit after reading this. I also struggle with mental illness and even have had a few suicidal attempts in my life, so to read about someone who “seemed” like they were so happy when they were actually struggling resonated with me.

Being an influencer — especially one who suffers from mental illness — is a burden I never wish upon anyone. Social media is absolute trash. Especially Instagram. According to a study conducted by the Royal Society for Public Health and the Young Health Movement, Instagram is ranked the worst out of all the major social media platforms in terms of detriments to mental health.

It does not build authentic connections; it does the exact opposite. It degrades people into a number, a stat, a view, a like, a hashtag. Even Lee is branded as an “influencer,” not as an actual person, like her worth and complete sense of self are only derived…



Sunny Muldoon
Write Like a Girl

Neurodivergent copywriter and voice actor. I promise to never clickbait you.