The Significance of the Lob Haircut

It’s more than just a hairstyle

Fleurine Tideman
Write Like a Girl


Photo: Mathilde Langevin / Unsplash

This is an article about hair. It’s not an empowering feminist essay about body hair, nor a stylistic look at haircuts and how they evolve. It is an article about hair or rather one hairstyle in particular. Today I’m going to talk about the ‘Lob’, also known as the long-bob, and why this hairstyle is more than just a hairstyle.

The Lob marks a milestone in a woman’s life, the moment when she stops conforming to outdated views of femininity and instead chooses not to hide behind her hair. It often marks another sadder milestone, employed when a woman is going through a breakup. The Lob is about practicality, of embracing adulthood and departing from schoolyard days. But the Lob is also about beauty, but rather the beauty of the individual and choosing it over what society dictates for you.

The Lob is a hairstyle, but it also so much more.


When you’re growing up, your hair is everything to you, and most girls are desperate to grow it. You beg not to be taken to the hairdresser, and once there, you try to defend your long locks no matter how tangled or split they’ve become. Some go as far as to cry over the cut hair, seeing each inch as an inch less beautiful. Because at some point, we were raised to believe that…



Fleurine Tideman
Write Like a Girl

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