Content on Content — January 22nd

Chris Hall
2 min readJan 22, 2017


Each week I plan to curate and share out the best content I’ve read (or listened to) related to Content Strategy.


Week of January 22nd

Chatbots Akin to Real-Life Customer Service — eMarketer
Conversational design via chatbots holds a lot of promise (and risk) as we seek to provide better, more personalized content experiences at scale. Based on research presented in this article 29% of respondents prefer to reach customer service via chat or messaging.

IBM Watson and Mall of America Partner on AI Chatbot — eMarketer
An interesting look at the “what” of chatbot technology and its application in retail. For some additional context, this article from eConsultancy highlights how Sephora, Uber, Bank of America and Pizza Hut are also experimenting with bots.

Scaled back: Why publishers are rethinking their pursuit of huge numbers — Digiday
Publishers, including a lot of brands active in content marketing, seek increasing audiences but these increases often come at the sacrifice of quality, original content. Some publishers are bucking this trend and focusing on serving smaller audiences with better quality. This is a nice complement to the article from last week regarding the risk of chasing every increasing audiences through clickbait.

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