
Samuel Dreyer
Write like Bishop
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2018


The crystal blue lake is vacant

With nothing but clear waters from end to end.

Standing from the Canadian side

You can see all the way to the United States,

Marked by a clearance of trees

Silently declaring a mutual border.

Below on one side is Waterton,

A nice little town during the summer,

It’s busiest time of the year.

On the other,

A lonely bear cub wanders across the rocky terrain,

While mountain goats prance above.

In the open prairie,

A moose wades into the river neck deep,

Seeking to cool down from the overwhelming heat.

Cattle roam the roads,

Making passersby wait

Like traffic men directing cars at an intersection.

At the lake

The mountains roll away towards the sun.

Like the crowd at a Packers game,

The horizon is a golden hue between the forests.

