I Have No Idea What I’m Doing — WNP 100

Sarah Rhea Werner
Write Now With Sarah Werner
3 min readAug 28, 2021

*NOTE: This episode originally appeared on www.sarahwerner.com on November 11, 2020.

As writers, we tend to form this view of how we “should” be, how we should walk, talk, act, and write. We “should” write as if we know what we are doing. We “should” be an authority on our given topics, or at least our craft. We “should” write as if we have no qualms in life or our creative journeys.

With our 100th episode, which I am completely stoked about, I talk about this view and how it’s affected my creative journey.

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Alone vs. Lonely

Amidst my journaling, I first realized the difference in perspective in being alone, which is peaceful and offers chances for deep creative writing, and loneliness. Loneliness is different, and affects our life and journeys differently than alone time. We often set ourselves up to be lonely without even realizing it, especially when we hold ourselves accountable to the “should”s — to knowing everything, being the professional, never making a mistake, and no longer allowing ourselves to simply not know. We then start separating and distancing ourselves, not only from our friends and readers, but from ourselves and our authenticity.

Be Okay With Not Knowing

In Plato’s The Trial of Socrates, we get the famous quote, “All I know is that I know nothing.” It’s a beautiful and humbling statement about growth, and how the more we learn, the more we realize how much more we have to learn. Accepting this is difficult, but necessary.

On the flip side, it is also important to understand that while we do not know everything, there are still things that we do know. There are valuable nuggets of insight that are waiting for you to “be okay, with not knowing what you’re doing” and really focus your inner self towards your authenticity and bring out those creative sides that make your work simply amazing.

There Is No Set Destination

There is no step by step map in our creative journeys. I do not believe there is a “right” way or even a “wrong” way to create. I believe that there is no “set destination” in our paths. You can reach milestones, achieve goals, and knock out things you never thought possible, but there is no “stop”, no finish line, no “The End” in our creative journeys. We must always stay open to continue learning, failing, trying again, and growing.

What if writing is truly about discovery, growth, creation, and forming relationships? What if it’s truly about the journey and the amazing events that happen along with it? What if it is a way to connect with your authentic self? It is time to learn to be generous and patient with ourselves.

What Do You Think?

I would love to know, do you feel like you have this view? Do you feel like you have very high expectations you are trying to reach? Are you ready to just connect with your authentic self?

Originally published at www.sarahwerner.com on November 11, 2020.



Sarah Rhea Werner
Write Now With Sarah Werner

I create the Write Now and Girl In Space podcasts. I love books, coffee, dinosaurs, & the free exchange of information. | www.sarahwerner.com