Freelancers Deserve Vacations, Too

Tips for having a stress-free, guilt-free vacation

Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud


Photo by Rafael Cisneros Méndez on Unsplash

As a freelancer, it is so easy to stay connected ALL THE TIME.

Even on vacation, we often take our laptops or check emails every time we have signal.

But taking a break from work is normal — and really good for your mental health and general well-being.

While some businesses slow down naturally around the holidays (like general office work, sales, etc.), some speed up (seasonal stuff, hiring prep for after the new year, etc.).

But when you run your own business, any change — good or bad — can trigger negative emotions and stress.

And time off is imperative to keep going and staying happy and healthy.

So, how can you prepare your business (and yourself) for time off?

While it is weird to think you can just turn off your phone and computer for two weeks and come back like nothing happened, you CAN.



Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”