How To Build & Use an Email List
Benefits, tips, and more!
When I self-published my first book in August 2017, I did not have an email list and wasn’t really sure how to start one or why I needed it.
But everyone else seemed pretty sure I needed one.
It turns out they were right and over the last couple of years, I’ve slowly gained subscribers on my email list.
I don’t think I use it particularly effectively but I am working on getting better! The lists are certainly a great way to keep people organized and send out very specifically targeted emails, too.
How to create an email list
I put this first because starting a new email list is incredibly easy.
Almost all email sites have a free account/version where you can start your lists and add subscribers and start to learn their system. There are limitations and restrictions, such as MailChimp limiting you to 2000 subscribers and only one audience for the free account, but that’s still more than enough to get started!