How To Make Money From Your Book

You CAN make money using your book — it’s not what you think.

Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud


“Why isn’t my book selling?!”

You cry, after self-publishing your book and seeing it live.

Maybe it’s been out for months and you’re still only seeing maybe one copy a week being sold.

But you put it all over social media! You had people review it! You told everyone to like, share, and comment!

How could it not be selling?

“There are somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000 books published every year in the US alone, depending on which stats you believe. Many of those — perhaps as many as half or even more — are self-published. On average, they sell less than 250 copies each.” — Nick Morgan, Contributor to Forbes

As you can see, there is a lot of competition.

But competition aside, there are self-published books which can sell consistently.

In today’s marketplace, there are very few authors who make a living from writing books alone. Unless you’re Nora Roberts or Stephen King, you aren’t…



Jyssica Schwartz
Write Out Loud

Manging editor. entrepreneur, writer, editor, cat lover, weirdo, optimist. Author of “Write. Get Paid. Repeat.” & “Concept to Conclusion.”