How to Use AI Chat to Fine Tune Story Ideas and Titles

Using Chat GPT for insights on if your concept is hot or not

Hogan Torah
Write! Right? Write!
5 min readMay 16, 2024


Image generated by author using AI Bing image generator

Hello, I’m Hogan Torah and writing compelling titles is my specialty. 18 months ago I published a 2500 word story about titles called Combo Your Headline with The Right Picture to Earn Commas. I’m here to tell you about a new way to check your headline that actually gives useful feedback.

For years I’ve been preaching the virtues of the Sharethrough headline analyzer. It was imperfect because it wasn’t trained to analyze headlines, but it was the best tool available at the time.

The future is today, and I’ve been testing a new and much better tool for the last week.

Yes, it’s an AI chatbot but hear me out. You’re not using AI to generate your story or ideas for stories. You're using AI to assess your ideas and titles.

Here’s how it works.

Step 1

Using Bing Copilot copy this prompt and paste it in the chat. (you can use Chat GPT, but use Bing’s Copilot AI because it uses the more advanced GPT-4 model for free)

Your job is writer analyst. As a writer analyst you are to gain Insight on a writer using their posts on Look at their new and old post titles. Assign a



Hogan Torah
Write! Right? Write!

Counterculture journalist 💊 humorist 🤪 social media hegemon 🤴 Google me, I autofill 🕶️