Garden Words

Nanci Arvizu
Write Speak Play
2 min readMar 4, 2021


Creating new words to describe the world around us. And us.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Like the vine continues to work its way to the sun, creating itself from millions of years of energy stored in cells, ideas are formed between the peaks and valleys of our lives, and our brains, becoming what nature wills them to be: Who We Are Born To Be.

I am a writer. I love to weave words together in ways that make those unable to make the connection wonder what the hell? The secrets I place between the lines can only be seen by those who are ready to accept the challenge and the M.Y.T.H. I place before you.

As a woman, there are many, many words that rub me the wrong way.

As a writer, I have a way to solve this problem.

I Will Create New Words.

I’ll start with the book in which these words will reside: Garden Words. These are words created in a place of growth, support, and the wisdom of women by and for the people of earth.

The second word I find incredibly moronic is Menopause. Is this feminine phenomenon of changing hormones a signal to the opposite sex ‘this one is no longer worthy of …?’ Fill in the blank. She is beyond her expiration date?

Femining. We could even add the ridiculous ‘pre-’ cursor to it as the feminine body blossoms over…

