Negotiating No

Please No

Nanci Arvizu
Write Speak Play


Photo by أخٌ‌في‌الله on Unsplash

I had the unpleasant experience of having my No disrespected.


*Le sigh*

And when life gave me lemons, I made lemonade.

I’ve been working on poetry, essays, and some fictional stories for my Red Flags or Flowers collection focusing on the Transgenerational Dysfunction, Narcissistic Abuse, and Sexual Trauma my life has been. Not exactly rainbows and unicorns, but it’s my life and the rule of writing is writing what you know.

What I know is “when a man says no, it’s the end of a conversation. When a woman says no, it’s the beginning of a negotiation.” (Quote by Gavin de Beck, The Gift of Fear).

As I finish up the Red Flags or Flowers collection, I’ve decided to launch two anthology projects, “When She Says Yes” and “When She Says No.” These two words have so much power when we are trying to navigate between the flags and flowers along our journey as women. I hope you will consider sharing your poetry, prose, fiction, or essay about a time when these words had the power to change the trajectory of your life — and then what happened next.

There will be some live, online events as the stories develop and the book is published and launched.

This has always been my calling, to provide space for the woman storyteller. I hope you’ll join me and all the other women sharing their experiences of the impact of Yes and No in their lives.

Read the Call for Submissions information here.

