7 Keys To Writing We Often Forget (Or Don’t Even Know)

Let’s dive into some writing tips you need to know

Jim Woods
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2020


Photo by David Klein on Unsplash

I’ve been writing now for over six years as a full-time job. Last year I shared a few insights about things that I’ve learned to help writers get started. But today I want to dig even deeper and share some facts with you that are easy to forget today.

1. A Book’s Cover Matters More Than The Content Inside

I know this sounds extreme, but think about it: what do people see first? The cover. And first impressions really matter. If your cover is not professional, clear, and compelling, people will not pick up your book. Human beings do in fact judge a book by its cover.

You can think of the cover as the door to your book. If the cover is not fantastic, no one is going to go in the door. This doesn’t mean don’t write a great book — write a great book too.

2. Bestseller Lists Are REALLY Weird

We all want to be bestsellers. But the more you learn about how bestseller lists work, the more you’ll just shake your head. For example, let’s chat for a moment about the New York Times bestsellers list. Selling a few books in a specific bookstore in Colorado has more weight than just selling a bunch…



Jim Woods

I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: Jimwoodswrites@gmail.com