The Easy Way To Network As An Introverted Writer

Here’s how to meet people and keep in touch without being annoying or manipulative

Jim Woods


Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

I get it. You’re an introverted writer. You don’t love talking to a lot of people. I’m the same way too. Small talk kills me. But here’s the thing: if you’re a writer, you are also a storyteller at heart.

And stories have to be told. So let’s focus on that. Your love of story. Not so scary, right?

As you know, a message needs a messenger.

You can write the greatest book ever, but you would like to have some readers, right? Of course, you would.

Here are a few simple steps you can take to spread your story to new people.

The First Step

It really helps to plan ahead and connect with people you naturally are drawn toward. Conferences are often the best way to network, so find one that interests you. If it’s in person, there may be a guest list. If it’s something online, there could be a guest list, or you may have to check a couple of websites.

You need to have a good answer to the obvious question you know you’re going to hear: “What do you write?”



Jim Woods

I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: