How Do You Write A Book, Blog, and Build A Platform At The Same Time?

A simple guide to form a strategy you can use

Jim Woods
The Partnered Pen


Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom

You want to write a book.

But you want to blog as well.

And build up your platform (a.k.a. your readership).

Don’t forget podcasts either. You’re thinking about starting one of those too, right?

Oh, and you want to start a YouTube channel too.

What should you do first?

How can you do it all? You want to do it all, but you’re not able to yet. Is something missing? Some kind of magic formula is the answer, right?

Sadly, there are no magic formulas.

But, thankfully, there are simple strategies that can give you clarity and insight.

Check out this picture.

Photo by Pixabay

Yep, it’s a train. Trains have an engine, and then the rest of the cars follow the engine.

The same logic applies to building an audience.



Jim Woods
The Partnered Pen

I help small businesses, writers, and non-profit organizations repurpose their content and create books. Contact me: