5 Mistakes Making Your Life Worse (And How to Fix Them)

RINI ✍️✨✨
Write the 1%
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024
Those small mistakes aren't as small as you think

You are making a few mistakes everyday, unknowingly, that can worsen things in the long run. There’s no better way to say it. First recognise those mistakes and get on to fixing them. How? I got you.

Here are those top 5 mistakes and tips on how to fix them.

Not Setting Boundaries

Learn to say no

The Problem: Do you feel drained every minute? This is probably because you haven’t set any healthy boundaries. Saying yes to everyone and everything can lead to you spreading yourself way too thin.

The Fix: Well, learn how to say no. Start small. Say no to that extra work project or not going out for that friendly get together when all you really want is a night in. People will respect your time more if they see what you are doing with yours; hence, it would be good for them to get on with their own lives while letting you deal with your business.

Not Focusing On Your Health

It won't work out if you don't workout

The Problem: All those late night parties aren’t doing you any favours. Putting your health on the back burner, and procrastinating those workouts is one of the worst mistakes you can make. Whether it’s skipping workouts, eating junk, or not getting enough sleep, these habits can eventually result in some really unavoidable ailments.

The Fix: Small changes can make a big difference! Drink more water! If you sit a lot, stretch every hour; also try to sleep at least seven hours per night; oh…. eat those vegetables alright? Just start caring a little more about what goes into your body as well as how you treat it- this doesn’t have to be an overhaul, a healthy lifestyle can be a game changer.

Overthinking Everything!

Sometimes, it IS all in your head

The Problem: Do conversations sometimes play back through your mind over and over again ? Overthinking decisions till you go blank? Overthinking is similar to a mental treadmill; running continuously but getting nowhere.

The Fix: That’s where mindfulness comes in. It sounds fancy, but it’s really just about being present. Next time you realize your mind is spiraling into overthinking, have a deep breath and bring yourself back to now. Focus on what you’re doing at this very moment. Plus, set a timer for decision-making too; give yourself five minutes to think it over and then make a call – move on.

Always Comparing Yourself With Others

Stop comparing yourself to others, it's not fair

The Problem: Thanks to social media, we’re constantly bombarded with images of other people’s “perfect” lives. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself and feeling like you don’t measure up.

The Fix: If you need to limit your social media time then do so. Remember that what you see online is not real life, it’s an extremely embellished reel of all the good parts of some person’s life. Concentrate on your own path. No matter how tiny they appear, celebrate all your wins! Sometimes things might not go well but hey, you’re still standing tall.

Holding Grudges

Clean out the hatred in your heart

The Problem: Keeping anger and resentment inside is like drinking poison while expecting the other person to get sick from it: It keeps you stuck in the past and weighs you down as well..

The Fix: Forget about it. I know, easier said than done. Just remember that forgiving someone is more for your own freedom and not really about letting them get away with anything. Write a letter to the person you are bitter against (you never have to send it). After releasing all your feelings on the paper, tear it apart. Let bygones be bygones and walk forward with a light heart.

Key Takeaway

  • Set boundaries
  • Take care of your health (and workout!)
  • Stop Overthinking and focus on the present
  • Stop comparing yourself to others
  • Don’t hold grudges

These should help you lead a much happier and fulfilling life. Begin with one small change today and see it grow into something amazing.



RINI ✍️✨✨
Write the 1%

I'm here to add something beautiful to your life, tell you things I experienced and learnt from, and hope YOU do as well...