6 Powerful Life Lessons I Learnt in My 20s That My 30s Thank Me For

RINI ✍️✨✨
Write the 1%
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4 min read6 days ago
Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

I won’t lie, my thirties haven’t really been the huge success story I’d expected, but I know one thing, I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. As a (mostly) content woman and a (kind of) successful writer, there were some unexpected truth pills I had to swallow to reach where I’m today. Here are six life lessons I learned in my twenties that worked wonders for me:

1. Accept the Imposter Monster

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

That sinking feeling of being inadequate bugging you? It does not magically go away as soon as you touch your 30s; however, I’ve learnt how to categorize it as a Imposter Monster – a tricky little creature that thrives on self-doubt. I admit it’s not completely gone but I do not let it lead my life. To achieve this, I assume it’s just self doubting in a positive way, and I just learn more from it. We are not aiming for perfectionism but for improving ourselves in small ways.

2. Be Friends with Your Fears

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Dread of failure, rejection and even achievement can keep us stuck in one place for years or decades. Instead of trying to push them aside like I used to, I now accept them, know their root causes and find ways of managing them. Keep doing your research and gain knowledge about different stuff but DO NOT be afraid of making mistakes.

3. Curate Your Emotions

Photo by Ashley Whitlatch on Unsplash

The media and society impose unrealistic expectations upon us, beside the million other things pulling us from all sides simultaneously all the time. Now, instead of getting influenced by this chaos, my emotional landscape caters to just me. I follow inspirational accounts online while avoiding ones that can potentially trigger me. I go for content that helps nurture my creativity and mind altogether.

4. Silence Is My Superpower

Photo by Christopher Sardegna on Unsplash

In a world that seems obsessed with noise, silence has become my secret weapon. Time spent reflecting and meditating during regular “silence breaks” became important instead of getting involved into multiple projects at once. This tactic not only pushes me creatively but also prevents burnout from over-stimulation. (My 20s were full of these burnouts).

5. Vulnerability is My New Strength

Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Vulnerability is often seen as weakness (I hate this myth). My emotions were previously something I shielded myself from with walls of defense. However, now, when I face self-doubt or creative hurdles, I don’t mind sharing them with trusted friends or mentors. It creates a connection and there are times when people offer me an unexpected hand.

6. Redefine Success

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Society measures success by external validation – awards, accolades, etc. In this way my life was spent running after a constantly changing goal line. You don’t need the society to tell you you’re beautiful/handsome, successful or a failure, etc. Today, I value growth within me, motivated from within, and creating new things rather than falling for some external award that is often not simple to achieve. My achievement is the sense of security and satisfaction I feel at the end of the day.

Final Takeaway

Being in my early 30s has its own problems to overcome but these unusual lessons have helped me build a career and life that truly satisfies me on every level possible. I hope my life continues to be about self-discovery and self acceptance and not just about professional accomplishment (I admit, financial success is important as well). All this means learning to deal with my inner fears more effectively; making room for creativity and being vulnerable in a world that demands perfection and stoicism. It’s not neat and tidy; it’s messy, it’s irregular but ultimately it’s worth it too.



RINI ✍️✨✨
Write the 1%

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