Three Novel Outline Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

They’re not instruction manuals.

Lisa Papademetriou
Write Time by Bookflow


Photo by Hunter Haley on Unsplash

I’m the author of over 20 published novels, and I always use an outline when I write. But whenever I try to teach writers how to outline, they resist. They often explain that they’ve tried outlining before, but it hasn’t worked for them.

When I dig a little deeper, however, I usually discover that they’re making one of these classic mistakes:

Capturing too little

Outlines don’t need to capture everything, but they do need to capture certain information. If you want to use an outline to write a novel, you should make sure that you’re giving yourself enough material to work with.

“Jenny goes to the store,” doesn’t really suggest what might happen there or why it matters, which is the essence of what you want to capture in an outline.

Novels are all about character motivations and the way people change over time. Your outline should show your characters reacting to events, not just the events themselves.

Taking the outline too literally

Many writers have told me that they don’t like outlines because they take the “fun” out of writing. I understand that completely…creative discovery is the best…



Lisa Papademetriou
Write Time by Bookflow

Helping writers craft better plots. 🖋 Founder, Bookflow. 📚 Snag my free novel outlining guide and 36-scene template: