11 Content Mills That Accept And Pay Writers Worldwide

No matter where you come from, you can be paid to write

Delilah Brass
Write To Inspire


Content mills can be a great way for writers to find regular work. Unfortunately, many limit the locations from which they will accept writers. Often they only accept writers from the U.S. This can be a big problem for international writers.

Another problem with these companies is they don't always advertise that they don't take international writers. I have lost count of the times I have filled out applications, written samples, and more only to find that they don’t accept writers from my country. It's a terrible waste of time.

The good news is there are plenty of reputable companies who are interested in all writer's work, regardless of their location. If you can write, then they want to hear from you. The following companies provide work.

1. Express Writers

Express writers is a good choice for a writer to find work regardless of their location. Express writers is a fully remote writing team. They are also interested in working with designers for eBooks and social media images.

2. eZdia

This content mill hires writers worldwide. Many writers rate them highly, this is because they are known…



Delilah Brass
Write To Inspire

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” — Winston Churchill