4 Benefits Of Being An Early Bird

Almost every billionaire says waking up early is essential to their success

YL Yeong
Write To Inspire


There’s a saying — the early bird gets the worm. You might have heard of successful people like Richard Branson, Tim Cook, and Michelle Obama who wake up early and talk about the benefits of waking up early. Some of them wake up as early as 5 am. Personally, I am an early bird. I get it from my parents. My parents are early risers. They have been waking up at 530am every morning for the past 30 years. Some days I do enjoy sleeping in, but most days, I prefer to wake up early.

Here are 4 benefits I enjoyed being an early bird:

1. Have Some Me-time

Everyone must have their own personal time, even if you are married. Alone time can help us in self-discovery, improves our concentration and reboots our brain. I enjoy waking up early in the morning when the world is quiet. You can do whatever you want. I often find myself sitting down on the couch, sipping on a cup of tea, and reading a book. Sometimes I will take a walk to the nearby park and enjoy the morning sun. These little moments are essential in recharging your battery and getting ready to start the day.

2. More Things Are Being Done Early



YL Yeong
Write To Inspire

Optometrist by day, Writer by Night. Writes about eye care, self-help and life.