4 Simple Ways To Decrease Stress And Improve Your Well-Being

Protect yourself against stress with these simple methods

Rebecca C
Write To Inspire
3 min readJun 23, 2021


Source: Pixistock

Do you feel triggered by daily stressors or feel that stress is impacting your day-to-day life? Everyone deals with stress differently and it is only natural for us to overwhelmed by pending projects, family matters, and work. In order to manage stress a little better, we can incorporate simple changes to decrease our stress levels and feel calmer throughout the day. Here are some easy and effective methods I like to use to eliminate stress:

1. Wake Up An Hour Earlier

There is nothing more stressful than waking up and feeling as if you have to immediately rush to get to work or start your day. In fact, the way we begin each day has the power to transform it completely. Waking up one hour earlier provides one with the benefit of being able to take your time.

Do you want to prepare a healthy breakfast?

Do you want to read a chapter of a good book?

Listen to a podcast or go for a morning run?

Mentally prepare yourself for the day?

It all starts with time. Now, if you may feel that waking up earlier may seem impossible, start small, maybe setting your alarm for 15 minutes earlier and building from there.

2. Take Social Media Breaks

Social media platforms are a great way to connect with other people and is an essential way for me to learn about others. Social media provides us with various information through the forms of content, pictures, and videos.

But many studies have shown us the downside of spending too much time on social media, to the point where we begin comparing and feeling negative about ourselves.

Do you find yourself scrolling mindlessly through social media content or comparing your life to others? It’s time to log out and refocus. Using your downtime to read or meditate will provide you with so much more value. Disconnecting from social media allows you the time to refocus your attention on yourself and the moment.

3. Take Time Each Day To Talk To Someone You Care About

Human connection is a necessity within our lives, and often we become so caught up with responsibilities and work that we place our relationships on the back burner and ignore this basic human need.

Taking a bit of time daily, whether it’s through a phone call, email, or face-to-face conversation, to connect with someone you love can help us to relieve the stress we carry. Sometimes all we need is for someone to sit back and listen because just the act of voicing something aloud instantaneously brightens our mood.

4. Practice Self Care

It’s so important to be mindful of your mind, body, and soul each and every day. Eating well, exercising, and repeating positive affirmations are just some of the many ways you can begin to put self-care into practice. I find that the better I take care of myself, the better I take care of others. These are just some of the many methods I use to protect myself from stress. I hope you’ve found them helpful and could apply some to your daily life.



Rebecca C
Write To Inspire

Creator of @minimalismmadesimple. Dedicated to creating meaningful content.