4 Ways Seasonal Changes Affects Our Perceptions Of Life

What’s on the next curve in your path

Camille Parker
Write To Inspire


Leaves in heart-shape on a pond.
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

How do you look at the seasons? Is it a way to mark off months on your calendar? Or perhaps, it’s how you move from holiday to holiday. For those of us who feel ties to the equinoxes and solstices, time has a different meaning. There are so many ways to look at the changing of the seasons.

Why don’t we look at time-shifting to look inward to our perceptions of life and how we expend our energy? I can tell you that I love all the seasons. And I’ll let you know later which one is my favorite and why. But for now, let me say that there are emotions wrapped up within activities on our calendars as time moves forward.

Winter’s Cold Steeps Us In Traditions And Nesting

So, let’s start with winter as that solstice — the shortest day of the year — falls just before the start of the year on the Gregorian calendar. Knowing how you act and react to each season’s quirks makes each unique in its way.

Winter’s cold (in the Northern Hemisphere) brings a time of cocooning. Regardless of the holidays surrounding the winter solstice on December 21–22 for many religions, the world has a feeling of slowing down, taking a breath, relaxing on couches with fluffy blankets and…



Camille Parker
Write To Inspire

I call out life’s truths. Connecting the world with words. Coffee/Tea/Life/Music lover. Be you, be real. Be a light.