5 Signs That You’re Actually Doing OK

Stop overthinking, you’re doing great

Kelsey Galipeau
Write To Inspire
4 min readSep 28, 2021


Be honest. How many times have you been told the following?

  • “You need to be married, have a house, and have kids by X age”
  • “You can’t get a job without a college degree!”
  • “You need to move out of your parent’s house ASAP!”

Society has a great idea about how to measure success. Well, it would be great if it was realistic. For example, I recently got married at age 27 after dating for 8 YEARS! Do you know how many times people have gasped after hearing this news? I’ll save you the trouble… it’s a lot.

If you are like the millions of people in the world that are pressured to live by other’s standards, then I’m glad you’re here. I will tell you some real truths about measuring your success; the “tells” that will reveal how you are doing OK in life.

1. You Have A Roof Over Your Head And Food To Eat

OK, so this may seem like a no-brainer, right? Wrong. I used to be a psychiatric nurse that worked with adults from 18–74 years old that were completely homeless and hungry.

So, when we think about Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs, one of the first things that humans need to survive is shelter. Otherwise, how can you think about doing anything productive if you don’t even have a room to sleep in?

Maybe your goal is to buy a house, but you are either still renting, couch surfing, or living with your parents. Well, the fact that you have four walls sheltering you from the outside elements is a major plus! That house will come, but be thankful for the one you are already in.

As for food, there are millions of people around the world that are starving. Your body depends on nutrients to move, think and survive. Without food or water, we would quite literally be dead, and you can’t progress in your life if you’re dead. The next time you open up your refrigerator, thank the universe that you have something to put in your belly and nutrition to survive another day.

2. You Have One To Two People That Love And Care About You

Support is everything in this world. Sure, you can go the Grinch route and say “F*** You!” to everyone, but that will only bring more hate and negative energy to your life. Love is the highest form of positive energy. When we don’t have love, our self-esteem drops, our morals decline, and we are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and even suicide.

Think about the people in your life that you talk to every day; Who you speak to on the phone to say “hello,” or your friend that tells you they support your wildest dreams. That kind of love has the power to move mountains in someone’s life. So, if you have these people in your life, even a cat or dog, know that the universe will reward you for caring for one another.

3. You Have A Form Of Transportation

Whether you’re walking, riding a bike, taking the bus, or driving a car, any form of transportation can get you from point A to point B. A lot of this article has to do with recognizing what you have to get more of what you want in the future. With reliable transportation (yes, even walking), you have the ability to get yourself what you need.

Let’s say you have been begging the universe for the opportunity to land a job. The following week, a new store opens up down the street and displays a “We’re Hiring” sign. What do you do? You walk your happy butt down the road, fill out the application, then walk back home and wait for a phone call.

Opportunities come to those that take themselves to them. It isn’t easy to go anywhere in life if you can’t first get yourself there. Transportation can be life-changing in the best way; rejoice that you have it!

4. You Can Read And Write

Did you know that 43 million Americans are illiterate? When I first read that statistic, I nearly fell out of my chair. The fact that you are here right now reading this article means that you are literate. There are not many jobs out there (I can’t name one) that don’t require you to read and write. So, how else are you supposed to get a job that’s not helping uncle Bill cut his grass?

We often take for granted our elementary education. We were taught to communicate through reading and writing at a young age, and that is an invaluable skill. If you can express yourself and take in what other people have to say through the written word, you are steps above millions of people in this world. Congrats!

5. You Have Dreams And Goals

There are people of all ages that don’t know what they want to do with their lives! If you wish to be the world’s best baker or the most famous writer on Medium.com, that drive will take you places you would never think possible.

I had a goal to become a Registered Nurse. Before college, I was in special reading, writing, and math groups. After six years of college, I finally graduated with my BSN! All it takes is for you to have that dream or goal and believe in yourself wholeheartedly. Dreams don’t discriminate, so don’t sell yourself short!

It can be hard to be positive sometimes. But, when you start tearing yourself down for not being where you want to be, pinch yourself and remember that you have so much more going for you than you give yourself credit for. There is always time to be better, but it’s OK to celebrate where you are now!



Kelsey Galipeau
Write To Inspire

Writer, Author, Blogger, and Freelancer at TheMentalPencil.com, Nurse, Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, Lover of love, and Advocate for following dreams.