7 Reasons Why You Should Earn In US Dollars & Live In Southeast Asia

Why struggle when you can live a comfortable lifestyle for $1500

Roy Selvaraj
Write To Inspire
5 min readSep 5, 2021


Photo by Abby AR on Unsplash

I have travelled to over 30 countries and lived in a few. There are many wonderful locations around the world that you may want to stay forever or at least for sometime and call it home. As for me one of the best locations to live in the world is Southeast Asia especially if you can earn in dollars and spend in local currencies. Many times in the past I have contemplated to move to a western nation but life is too good here to give up. As long as you don’t indulge in the local politics in whatever manner and form you will have a wonderful life. Amongst Southeast Asian nations I prefer Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. There are a variety of reasons to live in these countries. As for this story we will explore Malaysia .

1. One Of The Cheapest Places In The World To Live & Work

The cost of living in Malaysia is very low. A one bedroom apartment in Kuala Lumpur will cost you between $280 to $500 depending on location. Each location in the city is usually served by a neighbourhood mall, grocer and affordable restaurants. A similar one bedroom in Singapore city centre will cost you $1500.

The country has world class infrastructure and motorways connect most of the states. You can actually reach Thailand and Singapore within less than 5 hours drive from Kuala Lumpur.

2. Eating Out And Food Is Inexpensive

Eating out will cost you between $3 to $5 in a regular restaurant and $6 to 10$ in a mid range restaurant for a single person. If you enjoy asian food be it Thai, Malay, Indonesian, Indian or Chinese, Malaysia is a paradise. You can enjoy quality food at low prices. A Chinese, Indian or Malay breakfast will cost you approximately $2. Cost of a Big Mac and a Big Breakfast is $3. So assuming you earn $1500 per month from your writing or side hustle, you can spend $500 on very decent accommodation inclusive of water and electricity. If you are a little thrifty, $500 is more than enough for food, drinks and transport. You can still save approximately $500 a month. In Malaysia $1000 is approximately RM4400, that is a managerial salary in Malaysia. For a local that kind of salary can afford you a mid range car and life in a comfortable middle class neighbourhood. If your income is $1500 per month thats RM6250 you can live pretty well as a single.

Is there anything expensive ? Yes alcohol is costly. A pint of beer is on average $5 in the bars. Alcohol such as whiskey, wine and vodka is expensive expect to pay 5 times more than in the US. A bottle of Johny Walker black label is $110 while in duty free (tax free)Langkawi island its only $25.

It will be even cheaper if you consider moving to smaller towns. Some smaller towns are amazing, they are reminiscence of 1970s. The limestone town of Ipoh in the state of Perak is really cheap and quiet, Hollywood shot the movie “The King and I” in Ipoh. Taiping remains untouched, the same old town, it is the Laos of Malaysia . Malacca the historically ancient port city where Malaya begun is a nice vibrant historical town.

If you prefer to live in an island, vibrant Penang and holiday island of Langkawi will be a good pick. If you want to live in a basic walk around type of island wearing minimal basic attire, Perhentian island will be refreshing. Cameron Highlands is an awesome tea plantation town if you prefer cooler climate.

3. Culturally & Ethnically Diverse

Peninsular Malaysia has a very dynamic multi cultural population comprised of three main races including Malays, Chinese & Indians . These three races still speak their mother tongue between them. They also keep and practice their own unique ethnic cultures. In Kuala Lumpur the capital city you will find all nationalities are liberally represented. Since its extremely multicultural you will never feel out of place because everyone assumes you live here unless you behave like a tourist.

4. English Spoken Everywhere

English is widely spoken and officially taught as second language in national schools. In the business & corporate circles you are expected to communicate in English. You can also easily communicate in English at all government departments. Almost half of the population is trilingual because it is one of the few countries in the world which still has schools with ethnic language instructions such as Mandarin and Tamil apart from national language schools. The government prints instructions in 4 languages and has official broadcast channel in all 4 languages including English. Since there are so many languages spoken, English is widely understood and used at least at the most elementary level. Hence it is easy to communicate to get things done.

5. Awesome Weather All Year Round

There is no winter here. Its hot through out the year with rainy seasons. It can be pretty humid, however the shops, malls and restaurants are air conditioned. All accommodation usually comes with air conditioning and a ceiling fan.

6. You Can Travel To Anywhere In Southeast Asia For Pittance

You can fly to any southeast asian destination from Kuala Lumpur for lesser than 30$ one way if you book in advance. Most southeast asian destinations from KL is less than 2.5 hours away. The budget air lines Air Asia and Malindo is amazingly cheap and has good reputation.

7. There Is No Ageism

In Asia there is tremendous respect for the elder. If someone is older than you, you are expected to address them with respect.Well it is one of the countries where the young and old still hang out in the same bar. There is no discrimination towards age so generally all the bars are open to everyone regardless of age and colour.

Your Dollar Goes A Long Way

Your dollar goes a long way in most countries in South East Asia with the exception of Singapore. In fact you don’t have to stay in one location or country you can move around and its really cheap to travel between these countries too. Imagine being able to live comfortably and eat what you want from a meagre $1500 income per month and yet being able put aside some savings.

More countries will be opening up for travel soon. Are you eager to travel and mingle as soon as borders are opened and travel restrictions lifted. If you had an option would you earn in dollars and live in Asia ?

