Are You Burnt Out From Writing On Medium? Maybe It’s Time For A Break
I took a 4-month hiatus from the platform and I feel better
It dawned on me last November. My relationship with Medium was toxic. Unlike my friends who stalked Instagram first thing in the morning, I checked Medium. Before rolling out of bed or even saying, “good morning” to my partner, I was staring at my stats.
But I didn’t consider it an unhealthy habit at the time. If I’m being totally honest, part of me felt slightly enlightened. I wasn’t just another slave to the Gram. I was a committed writer. I was chasing my dreams. I was getting paid to write about whatever I wanted, and I was putting my English degree to good use. Finally!
But, no matter what I found on my stats page, no matter how many views or dollars I made, I was always disappointed.
And that’s when I realized, it was an addiction. In the same way that we get addicted to the endless scroll of Instagram or Facebook, I was ultimately searching for the same shallow validation.
But instead of being judged by my looks or the facade of some fantastic lifestyle, I was being judged by my words, my thoughts, and my opinions. And for me, that hits harder.