Do You Want To Earn $1000/Month Writing On Medium? Try These Topics

They are some of the finest topics out there

Write To Inspire


Photo by Angelina on Unsplash

Medium has changed most of its rules in recent months, and some people say that these rules have started benefiting them in one way or the other. On the other hand, there is a group of people that says that the changes made to the site have led them to earn less money than before. Of course, every person shares his or her own opinions and thoughts and has varying expectations.

Let me tell you that it is not possible for Medium to please everyone. It is a company and like all other companies in the world, it sets its own rules and regulations. If we want to stick and earn money, we must remember and respect all the rules. Trust me, once we begin doing so, it won’t be too tough for us to achieve our writing and money-making goals.

Have you set some goals to make money? I remember the time when I started working on Medium. I had at least $200 a month in my mind but was surprised to see that Medium paid me a lot more than my expectations. Until now, my earnings have been good and stable and I have spent years on the site. I enjoy writing on Medium and it has been one of the best platforms to earn money.

If you are a newcomer, here are some topics you can cover to constantly make $1000…



Write To Inspire

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