Earn $10000 To $25000 A Month Like Tim Denning

Read on to know complete details

Write To Inspire


Every Medium writer knows who Tim Denning is. He is one of the top and most proficient writers. If I am not wrong, he is earning $10000 to $25000 writing on Medium. He has been with the site for years and has published nearly 2000 stories.

We see his stories trending in different categories on a daily basis. His work is read and shared by thousands of people. Readers like Tim Denning’s content because he provides actionable advice.

Whether you have recently joined Medium or have spent months on the platform, you will want to make as much money as this Aussie writer. Am I right? The good news is that it is possible for every single freelance writer to earn a living writing what they love. Here is how.

Write A Lot And Every Day

It won’t be wrong to call Tim Denning one of the most successful and of course, richest Medium writers. What makes him so famous? Well, his stories go viral because he has a lot to offer to the target audience. He spares time to publish multiple stories a day. Please correct me if I am wrong but I have seen him publishing up to ten stories on some days. He mostly creates fresh content from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday, we rarely see him publishing…

