How To Reincarnate Your Deceased Resolutions During Covid-19

Adhere to this guide carefully and reincarnate your deceased resolutions

Write To Inspire
4 min readApr 23, 2021


To obey one of the greatest fetes of the new year, many of you must have made a bunch of resolution.

Since a few months have already passed, it is the very right time to ask you a question;

“How’s your new year’s resolution going so far?”

A very few people stubbornly stick to their resolution, while others like me must have already abandoned it. Making a resolution isn’t a big deal, obeying is. But unfortunately, many people end up abandoning their resolution.

To keep your resolution alive, you first need to distinguish between changing habits and making resolutions. Experts say that people fail in keeping their resolutions because they don’t have definite goals, they are less excited after a week or two, or they don’t make resolutions for themselves.

However, I believe that there could be more reason behind us being a failed resolution keepers. For instance, many people merge their goals into resolution, and that’s where they fall over on their faces.

According to Tony Robbins, a resolution is a decision to do or to not do a specific behaviour, whereas a goal is a series of calculated steps toward which effort is directed.

Eating an apple a day couldn’t be regarded as a goal, and a desire to earn up to $5000 a month couldn’t be regarded as a resolution. When people make resolutions, they perceive the concept of making them based on a fresh date, that’s the 1st day of the year or month.

Misconceptions related to resolutions that you should only obey from the first day of every year play a very significant role in your failed resolutions. Below are some misconceptions on which people believe. Find out which one you do.

1. The New Year Is A New Day For A New Beginning

Many people consider New Year as a fresh and a new beginning, and the rest of the day as an ordinary day after the New Year. It is because people have a superior perception of the events that hold 1st in position. As the new year comes on the 1st day of the 1st month, it is believed that it holds huge precedence. However, it remains identical to other days, don’t you agree?

If Thomas A. Edison would have waited for the new year to practise the theory 3000 times until his invention, we would never have the incandescent light bulb.

If J.K. Rowling had waited for the new year to start writing her best novel, we could never have been a huge fan of Harry Potter. It is just the dates that design it to be a special day, and if you wait for 1st day of any week/month/year, you are gonna waste a ton of precious time.

2. You Have To Move Mountains To Go Over It

Many people think in order to make big changes in their lives, they have to make a huge effort. And this is a huge misconception. Small steps get us started and contribute much to acquiring big results.

If you decide to lose 10–20 pounds, in order to acquire the result faster you think you have to work out 5–6 times a week for at least 1 hour. But soon enough, you will feel overwhelmed because you were over-ambitious.

The study shows that being over-ambitious is harmful, can lead to catastrophic failures. Picking a small target that you can hit consistently can make you 1% better at doing something every day.

3. You Have To Be Regular With Your Resolution

Many people have the habit of resigning from the activity if they miss it for a day or two. A person could hardly be consistent in any activity with such destructive and mind-deviating things as smartphones.

As a human, we take a break from our work every Sunday, and it is liable for our mind to take a break from any activity. If you find yourself unable to continue with any activity, take a break and start over. But taking a break doesn’t mean you have to start from the beginning, but you have to start from where you left, that make sense?

4. Thinking Of The Long-Term

How many per cent do you complete your short-term goals? Many people think of long-term processes. For instance, they will acquire a big house in the coming 5 years.

Thinking of a long-term goal perhaps results in what we have not assumed sometimes because there are a lot of things that are not in our sphere of control. So, setting up goals for a week or two seems much realistic to accomplish than setting up goals for a year or two.

It goes the same for resolutions, and if you believe in short-term goals, long-term achievements are precise.

5. The Misconception Of ‘You Should’ Replaces Real Desire

When people take out a piece of paper to write down what resolution they are going to adopt this year. The first word that strikes their mind is ‘should’.

“What should I do this year?”

The moment they think of ‘should’, the real desire and need of adopting resolution vanishes. Many people make a resolution like losing weight or going to the gym because they think they should do it as their friends and neighbours do. They don’t develop the real desire of doing something, and soon they lose their interest which brings them a failure.

Final Thoughts

Resolutions are not only designed to take every year. You can take them now, just after reading this. The goal shouldn’t be to make resolutions every year but to stick with it as far as you can.



Write To Inspire

Student | Content Writer| I write about Self-Improvement, Productivity, Writing, Life, and more.