Why I Quit Quitting

And I highly recommend you do it too

Write To Inspire


7 billion people live on the planet earth. All seven billion of them are looking for the same thing. And that ‘thing’ is success.

Now we can all agree, there are many ways to be successful, many things people strive to become successful in. What we can all also agree on is that it’s extremely hard to succeed. And most of us are willing to quit, and a lot of us end up quitting. What differentiates the people who are successful is the fact that they don’t quit.

What You Need To Learn Before Quitting Quitting

1. The Reasoning Behind Quitting

Success doesn’t just come to you. If you work hard however, you will eventually attain it. However, this is the issue that we have as humans. We like immediate rewards, not having to wait for them. When we strive for success, we want it immediately, right away, and most of us simply don’t have the patience to wait. In the modern world we live in however, we have transitioned to a time when long term rewards are better than short term rewards. However, our minds don’t accept that and instead, we want short term rewards.

2. Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight



Write To Inspire

Hi there! I'm Nick, and I recently started taking a break from Quora to pursue a career on Medium! I hope you enjoy my content! https://ko-fi.com/nick52294