Why Negotiation Skills Are Important And How To Do Them

This could help you improve

Dhanaraj N
Write To Inspire
3 min readDec 20, 2021


Photo by Amy Hirschi on Unsplash

Whether negotiating mega deals or just negotiating who is going to do the dishes, negotiation skill are utilized in almost every sphere of life. Negotiation skill can be acquired through numerous techniques and education. Negotiation skill can be honed by those who have mastered it can be further developed by those who want to learn it. Marketers and bloggers who fully embody negotiation, honing these essential skills, will dramatically achieve new levels of success in their careers.

Why negotiation skills are important and how to do it? When you consider the many benefits of negotiation, you can see why a skilled negotiator is so valuable. Successful negotiations can eliminate or significantly reduce risks associated with investing, building, purchasing and/or selling a business, improving financial results for businesses, reducing negative public perceptions of businesses and creating a positive image for businesses. Effective negotiations can also resolve differences and create a more positive working environment. These are only some of the primary benefits of having effective negotiation skills.

However, not everyone who considers negotiation skills as an important part of their personality makes the right decision. As a matter of fact, many people who think that negotiation is an easy skill to master are often very disappointed when they don’t achieve what they wanted or worse yet, when they come away from negotiations feeling as if they didn’t get anything for their effort. This is why it is necessary to develop the appropriate negotiation skills and mindset.

Negotiators use various strategies and mental tricks during the course of the negotiation process to make sure that they get the best deal possible. This negotiation skill involves being aware of what others want, knowing what you want, and having the proper attitude and body language to be able to get what you want. If you are trying to close a deal with another person you have to be open and flexible. You need to be willing to make compromises and take a walk on the wild side if needed. In order to accomplish this you have to be a person that can walk the line and not get anyone to go too far and make them feel uncomfortable.

The second thing that you have to know and remember during the course of the negotiation process is to make sure that you have the best available options in the present. You have to realize that you may not be able to get exactly what you want at this moment but you can always go in for another try. Just remember that there is no such thing as giving in or giving up. If you start looking for loopholes or bargains in the final agreement then you will definitely be disappointed.

One other thing that you should understand clearly is that the first offer made is always the bottom line. In any negotiation you have to understand that you will be presented with a first offer. This is the offer that you will be negotiating from. This is the offer that is based on the best possible deal that both of you can present. It is advisable that you conduct some research published by experts to learn more about this process.

Another thing that you should know and keep in mind is the importance of building a good relationship with your counterpart. Negotiations are always carried out between two parties who are competing for the same outcome. There is no point in a negotiation if both of you cannot sit together with each other and understand what the other party is thinking. Communication is very important during negotiations. You should make sure that you build a good relationship with your negotiating partner in order to achieve the best possible results.

Last, but not the least, it is important that you have a clear idea of the bargaining table before starting the negotiation. During the actual negotiation, you should never look at the other party as a rival. As the negotiator, you should take care of yourself. If you look at the other party as your competitor, you might lose the chance of achieving your goal of reaching a common agreement. A calm state of mind is very important in any negotiation, especially when it comes to bargaining.

