Write To Inspire — Submission Rules And Guidelines

Write and get paid

Write To Inspire


On behalf of the whole team of Write To Inspire, I welcome you to the publication and will try to provide as much support and guidance as possible. We aim to share our knowledge with the world, especially writers who are looking for ways to make money and want to build strong profiles. We are looking for all types of pieces that provide value to the target audience and are fully cited and well-written.

Please note that we will publish only one article per writer in a day. You can submit up to five posts simultaneously. However, there is no guarantee that they will be checked and published instantly.

Submission Requirements And Rules

  1. We will not accept published stories. Please send us unpublished drafts.
  2. Before writing an article for Write To Inspire, make sure it is unique and provides value to the target audience. We reserve the right to reject a piece if it has been published elsewhere or the topic has been covered one or more times.
  3. The main tags to use in our posts are “writing,” “life,” “life lessons,” “self-improvement,” “money,” “creativity,” “freelancing,” “productivity,” “self,” “books,” “inspiration,” and “mindfulness.” You must use at least two of these tags in your…

