Self Improvement | Awareness

A Green Eyed Snake

Has Two Heads

Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon
5 min readDec 27, 2019


When someone is painfully aware of the advantages of someone else, they are revealing their own weakness, not the other person’s strength. This comparison creates the green-eyed snake.

Jealousy is an insidious emotion that can unsettle the confident and destroy the weak.

The French call it jalousie — which comes from the word meaning ‘keen’. We are keenly aware of how we don’t measure up to a standard we’ve set.


There are two sides to the ‘jealousy’ coin. Here’s the first one:

I am twenty-two and in love with a boy. My best girlfriend is one of those girls that always seems to be able to get a boys’ attention. She has long legs and beautiful blonde hair that is an attractor to members of both the male and female sex.

He is walking beside me, holding my hand, yet when she passes he turns and stares as she walks, following her prancy little butt with his eyes. I glare at him and he ducks his head sheepishly, caught in the act. I’m instantly jealous.

It seems like a small thing, but later that night it comes back in a dream. I play the scene over and over again, as she passes, she glances over at me and I see her mocking gaze, ‘you are nothing,’ she whispers as she tosses her perfect hair, a sheet of heavy golden silk.



Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world.