A Quiet Moment

A poem


a stream running between beautiful green fir trees
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

I am rarely alone with my thoughts
running at a pace so unnatural to the human body
finding spare moments to slow down
yet too exhausted to piece together a coherent idea
life seems to be coming too fast
like gushing water from a broken dam
unrelenting and forceful
slowing down for nothing
and taking with it everything
there is beauty in this force
it is a constant reminder
that water has to flow to run its course
it will keep flowing, just as life will
I just need to keep swimming
and when I’m tired
step out of the water to catch my breath
if I can’t control everything
I can still control something



Trishna Utamchandani
Write Under the Moon

I write about personal development, relationships and love, nutrition and lifestyle. Open to projects.