A Spider’s Chronicles

Webs of silk

Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Photo by Photoholgic on Unsplash

Sipping fervently

tea in my hands

I spot a spider

hanging at tangent angles

from a wall corner

palps pulsating

picking up the vibrations

spinnerets gushing liquid silk

waiting for the breeze to lift

tentacles busy spinning webs of


and trappings

and safety lines

in a web of deceit

Turning silk into fiber

stronger than steel

tougher than Kevlar

thin and flexible

O, why are you afraid of such a wonder

for it weaves silk not produce thunder

a humble creature

minding it’s own business

ocelli waiting stoically for it’s prey

eight eyes popping your and my way

for it too feasts

to satisfy it’s hunger

Here comes the usher

with sticks

and brooms

scared of the unknown

he destroys it’s home

tearing into the webs of silk

tightrope walking

the spider refuses to quit

the attacker persists

Leaving the spider

with nothing to do

eating it’s own curated web in dismay

is the only solution

for this is survival

the law of the land

the usher is but antithetical to the spider

who is more vicious

you decide

the quintessential usher

or the spider who left

© Dazzling Shene 2021. All rights reserved

Thank you for reading my poems. It means a lot to me. Sending love 💖 and virtual hugs🤗 your way. Have an amazing day and a spectacular night.

You all are Amazing. Much love and God bless!



Dazzling Shene
Write Under the Moon

A dreamer, a believer, a visionary, serpenting my way through the whirlwinds of life. Here to Razzle and bedazzle You~2 X Top writer in Poetry