Angels Walk Among Us

Mika Oka
Write Under the Moon


Celestial being made from stardust and moonlight. They move among us, disguised as mortals. Blurring the lines between heaven and earth.

Photo by Nico Frey on Unsplash
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their wings
spreading wide
offering a haven
providing shelter
for those in need
a comforting respite
from the compassionate
heart they bear

with an
so gentle
sweeping grace
guiding me
in each step
of the way
with kindness
putting my heart
at ease

wishing joy
for others
they are the beacon
that brightly shines
allowing compassion
to be the guide
in uplifting others
their light
shine even



Mika Oka
Write Under the Moon

Sharing her unique perspective on the world as a hearing-impaired autistic person with bipolar disorder despite the challenges. emikaoka.wordpress.com/home/