Ask Yourself Empowering Questions

A challenge for all writers.

Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon
3 min readJun 24, 2021


a girl sitting on a rock, pondering important questions.
What does it mean to be human? by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

There is such a thing as too many choices.

The average person makes a lot of decisions every day. We make a lot of these choices unconsciously even when we think we’re using logic.

One reason we don’t weigh the pros and cons of every decision is the lack of time. We don’t have time to carefully evaluate each option, so we go with our gut.

Taking the time to think about the big questions in life is one way we can prepare for decision-making.

Ask empowering questions.

Empowering questions invite you to ponder ideas and notice what comes up for you. They are open-ended questions, with no right or wrong answer.

Asking empowering questions helps you uncover problems you might be facing and it allows you to consider possibilities. Questions that invite a yes or no answer tend to keep you in judgment, which keeps your mind closed to possibilities.

I invite you to select one of the following questions and write about it.

You can make it a poem or a short rant, or a longer essay if that is what comes to you. It might trigger a memory or scenario where you followed your gut, only to…



Tree Langdon
Write Under the Moon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world.