Bag of Time

A poem

Alan Campbell
Write Under the Moon
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by Author Bag of Time©ACP

It’s leaned upon your shoulder, on your birthing day
weightless and invisible for no soul to see or say

Use your time wisely,” The adage comes to mind.
what is wise for one, perhaps, a second thought of mine

Sunset on a beach, kick the sand, be free
journey to that mountain lake, happy just to be
dive into a book, have a chat, pause along the way
make a grilled cheese sandwich and munch it up today

Perhaps it’s lacing up the skates just one more time
or coasting down a wave, your first taste of sublime

It lines the coats of youth, fresh new shades to excite
a smattering of fear, topped with hope to fuel flight

It seems as though it mimics that cartoon-sized bag of loot
optimism, fills that bag, light on the shoulder, back and boot

The march of time stomps heavy, casting imprints on your path
may it be gold and riches or sadness, tears or wrath

You empty some, here and there, casting it about
sharing it with wives and kids, and friends for sure, no doubt
Be careful not to spill, it holds a finite amount.
even though, we all tend to sprinkle it, readily about

We all are accused of wasting it, dilly-dallying around
but is that dilly dally importantly profound

You can find a mess of things, if you take your time
Pause long to smell the roses, certainly, sharing is no crime

Linger on a breath, with a love whose bag has dwindled on
Gathering with your family to share their final song

It might just be replenished by the end of another’s days
filling an empty heart, it possesses healing ways
For time is the only medicine for the losses we all endure
A mere bandage for some, yet, for others it’s the cure

Next time you are lonely, scared or soaked with flushing joy
stop to feel time, oh please, don’t be coy.

Tuck it your pocket, stow it in your bin,
file it in the cabinet next to all your sin.

Stand and cheer for newborns everywhere
their bag of time is full, brimming with love to spare.

Just remember this about your bag of time.
It will run out for sure, it happens all the time.

Thank you for taking the time to read my writings. I am new to the Moon. Enjoying all of the incredible writing.



Alan Campbell
Write Under the Moon

A story teller. I created images for others for years. I am finally opening my creativity on the flat plane. Join me. Curious what you'll find in my words.