
Considering the Unforgivable

A Walk of Faith Series | Wrestling with Mercy and Justice

Sam Aureli
Write Under the Moon
2 min readJul 22, 2024


Jacob, a Biblical figure dressed in a red robe holding a gold staff, is on one knee asking his brother, Esau, for forgiveness. He is joined by his family and household, all dressed in medieval-style clothing.
Jan Victors — Jacob Seeking the Forgiveness of Esau (Wikimedia Commons)

They say forgiveness
is the crown jewel of virtue,
a diamond mined out of the mountain’s heart.
But what happens when we face the unforgivable?
Here, we falter, the world’s wrongs
fragmented shards. Are there gradations
of hurt, a hierarchy of what tears
us asunder? Does a swift release
lessen its worth?

Forgiveness often balances
on the edge of obsidian,
teetering between the demands of justice
and the warm embrace of mercy.
The human soul wrestles,
emerging fractured, but not wholly shattered,
grace liberating the bound heart,
guiding us toward a freedom
bathed in Love’s unwavering light.

