Dancing In Traffic

A Poem —

Joe Glacken
Write Under the Moon


Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Traffic lights at midnight
Red and green on the scene
The tree of liberty must be tended
Throw in the freezing blue of the force
and the chartreuse of street lit ease

Walking by the theatre
No masks in this Circus
The late show
Seven till Seven
Afterglowing, we made it home
We’re all gonna make it
I just know

Pure smiles
Feeling warm in a world of cold
Trails of laughter in the air
Footprints outrunning the storm

The most gorgeous
ceramic skinned
hot water bottle
tucked into my bed at home
Quick Macca’s run
Euro football dome
Ruffling the cat’s head

Waffling rubbish, the exactness of it all
is not the point
Cargo pants, sweaters, big boots
Rooftops runners, howling at the moon

