Day Tripping: July 6

Scene Art

Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon


By Marc Chagall —

Marc Chagall has been called the most important Jewish artist of the 20th Century, and as one of the first modernist artists, his work crosses a variety of media. Born in 1887 to a Russian-Hassidic family, Chagall was heavily influenced by his experiences as an outsider in the era of the Russian Empire. Still, he saw beauty in all his work.

“If I create from the heart, nearly everything works; if from the head, almost nothing.”

Marc Chagall’s art is on display all over the world, including art museums and synagogues where his stained glass windows adorn the structures. He has worked with everything from ceramic to tapestries and book illustrations. Admired as well by his peers, Pablo Picasso once said, “Chagall will be the only painter left who understands what color really is”.

Today is:

International Kissing Day — Not only is it a fun activity, but apparently, kissing can promote weight loss and long life. Given a day of its own in Britain, Kissing Day has grown into a worldwide event, and why not? So cozy up to someone close and…Pucker Up!

National Fried Chicken Day — A staple of the American South, these morsels of deliciousness are celebrated every year in the United States, but fried chicken has…



Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from