Day Tripping: October 27

And now for something completely…familiar

Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon


By Bruce Baker —, CC BY 2.0,

What hasn’t been said about the Minister of Silly walks? John Cleese is 82 years young, but he’s always been an old soul. Perhaps it’s because his father was an insurance salesman.

Born in 1939, Cleese eventually attended Cambridge University to study Law. While there, he also joined the Cambridge Footlights, a theatrical club where he met Graham Chapman.

“A wonderful thing about true laughter is that it just destroys any kind of system of dividing people.”

John and Graham had one of their first writing jobs in 1965 with the Frost Report on BBC. On the news satire show, the pair worked with future stars, Ronnie Corbett, Marty Feldman, and Peter Sellers. It’s also where they met future Pythons, Terry Jones, Eric Idle, and Micael Palin.

Today is:

Cranky Co-Workers Day — Had our share of those, haven’t we? Even been one myself.

Potato Day — Great for throwing at cranky co-workers.

Musical Ride

After the release of the Born To Run album in 1975, Bruce Springsteen appeared on both Newsweek and Time magazines. The articles seal his legend as a common man from…



Stuart Englander
Write Under the Moon

If it comes to mind, I usually write about it. Lucky for you I don’t always publish it. Stuff I do post goes to your inbox from