Fiction| Allegory| Cautionary Tale

Don’t React Immediately

How can our hurried reactions bring disasters to our and others’ lives?

Amir Bibi
Write Under the Moon
2 min readMay 27, 2024


a sign with different sections with the words “stop, think and react”
Image created by the author via Bing AI

The donkey was tied to a tree, and a devil came and untied it. The donkey ran towards the fields and started destroying the standing crops. When the farmer’s wife saw this, she angrily killed the donkey. Upon seeing the donkey’s dead body, the owner of the donkey became very angry and shot the farmer’s wife. The farmer, enraged by his wife’s death, shot the donkey’s owner. When the donkey’s owner’s wife heard of her husband’s death, she ordered her sons to burn the farmer’s house.

The sons obeyed and set the farmer’s house on fire, thinking the farmer would also die in the blaze. However, that didn’t happen. The farmer returned and killed the donkey’s owner’s three sons and wife. After that, the farmer repented and began cursing the devil. The devil, dissatisfied, said he hadn’t done anything except untie the donkey, but everyone had reacted violently.

In response to the reactions, he displayed even more intense and severe reactions, unleashing the evil within. Therefore, pause momentarily before responding, reacting, or seeking revenge. Sometimes, the devil leaves the donkey between us, and we do the rest of the work ourselves!

Someone must leave the donkey on TV channels and social media platforms daily. Remember, breaking is easy, but staying rooted is very difficult. Fighting is easy, but passing through is very difficult.



Amir Bibi
Write Under the Moon

Love to read & write about health, fitness, humour, technology, science, and nature. Contact me via