Each Run Is a Microcosm of Life

A poem of realization on a walk/jog/run

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon


Man running on a dirt road under grey, overcast skies
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

Jogging on cool, grey, drizzling afternoon
In and out of meditative mindsets
Minding nature’s scenes and Spotify tunes
Striding in rhythm with bass and drum beats
Climbs, declines, and flats each present their tests
but no one bites off more than they can chew
Kiedis sings words to which we can attest
Living’s so much more than just a read-through

Setting out for a run with route scripted
but along the way, adapt with the flow
When to walk, jog, or run, not predicted
Pushing pulse up, easing it down — let’s go!
Pausing to stretch and admire Gaia’s show
Allow for both pain and pleasure to accrue
as we need loads of both to learn and grow
Living’s so much more than just a read-through

Each run is a microcosm of life
Hilly intervals of joy and distress
Know current maximums never feel strife
yet believe no limit will bar success
and I’m the only one I must impress
I don’t meditate, that’s me, what suits you
To the masses…



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.