Elegiastic Ode to Joy, Life, and Death

Poetically babbling brooks converge into streams and rivers of consciousness

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon


Streams of consciousness from poet’s love and words and lyrics from songs that touch his soul merge into whirlpool elevating his heavenmate’s soul above the rocks of his grief from her blue-pill-death
Streams of consciousness from poet’s love and words and lyrics from songs that touch his soul merge into whirlpool elevating his heavenmate’s soul above the rocks of his grief from her accidental OD on blue pills death. Image created by jules - Miz Mindful using her creative discretion from reading the piece and Canva Pro

Readers may appreciate reading along at their own pace to New Order’s instrumental, Elegia, or Moments in Love by Art of Noise.

Or not. Up to you.

Roll up now to a magical mystery tour through the reasonable insanity of this mad and serene poet’s depraved and saintly mind…

Oh — ode to joy, ode to the boy in a man, ode to life
Ode to my heavenmate
Shall my song rhyme with or without reason and meter as seasons turn — turn —
— turn
while so many poets carry ashes in their hearts’ urns

What elegy and not quite a eulogy shall this poet who didn’t know it write rife with be-life today?

Sojourning into parts known and unknown and not knowing what will emerge until thou dost too, my sweet, beautiful muse

If I wait for just a second more
I know I’ll forget what I came here for
My head was so full of things to say
But as I open my lips all my words slip away



Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Write Under the Moon

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.