Poetry on Medium


Syllabic Verse

Peculiar Julia
Write Under the Moon
Jun 12, 2024


a picture of a sunset over the water- you can see the purples, oranges, and yellows in the sky
Photo by Igor Kasalovic on Unsplash

a taste of it
only a memory

Salt is
always teardrops
no angels no heaven

sent these
words like footsteps
heard behind the shadows

A door
closed too harshly
an unbelievable

of ending of
quietness and the grief

even now the
savour of new kisses

© Julia Kantic 2024

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Peculiar Poetry

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Peculiar Julia
Write Under the Moon

Writer of poetry, prose, & the occasional rant. I feed the monsters under my bed story cake & poem pastries. What do you feed them? linktr.ee/peculiarjulia