
Evening Sonata

Dancing Queen

Rachel Wood
Write Under the Moon


In the center is a river rushing, lots of ripples. Trees line each side of it tall trees with robust foliage. The moon is full and is shining through wispy sunset clouds and reflecting on the river. The clouds are pink with dark blue sky behind.
Photo by Steven Cordes on Unsplash

As the night curtain begins its slide across the sky, Grandfather Sun throws his colors up like a peacock fanning his tail.
Grandmother Moon is out early and sits robust and proud in the fading blue sky. Smiling, no doubt, at all the power she wields here below.

I walk across the last of the icy coating that covers my field.
It snaps and crackles under my tread.
The hint of the coming green entices my senses
I find my place of balance surrounded by trees.

Opening my arms wide, I embrace the scent of the damp awakening earth
I Exhale all the words and stories collected today.
A calmness finds its home in me and
I listen…

A river rushing close by, its lilting notes filter through the trees.
The deep bass honks from Geese overhead, as they find a spot to settle for the night.
Wrens, Robins, and Starlings fill the air like flutes, piccolos, and clarinets, while swooping between tree and field for their evening repast.
Bare branches tap together like a tambourine.

The boundary of my skin melts away,
My body…
My spirit…

****** *

Nothing brings me more joy and peace than to be surrounded by nature. Yet I live in Brooklyn, NY. HA! I love the beat of the city as well, but when I write it is almost always nature. Thank you for reading, commenting, and supporting this wonderful group at Write Under the Moon.

#Poem # Nature #Peacefulness #Dancing #Grateful



Rachel Wood
Write Under the Moon

Having a creative life and living in NYC has been rich with experiences. I balance working in Real Estate since 1986 and expanding my joy & need for creativity.